Friday, March 20, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor Washer Method

Organic Chemistry Tutor Washer MethodA mentor in my hometown has recently introduced a new organic chemistry tutor washer method to her classes. Although I am not a chemistry major, I love science and the 'method' that my biology tutor is teaching at my high school is much more enjoyable than what I used to do.Here's what I've learned about the 'wet method'. The textbook that my chemistry tutor is using is called Chemistry for Teachers and it is packed with content. The book is filled with material that will help students from kindergarten to college. Unfortunately, the book doesn't cover all of the material that I would need to know if I wanted to be a chemistry teacher.It seems that every few days, my science teacher goes through the textbook and covers a new topic that will help students get more of their class time. Most of the topics are written on a blackboard with a chalk board for other students to write answers on. Every day, students use a computer to fill out a survey and students can exchange 'credits' to gain points toward their grade.My math instructor has also introduced a new subject this year: Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry is actually a four-year degree program at a community college. In order to qualify for the degree, you must take an organic chemistry seminar during your first year at the college. During the first semester, you can choose to take a teacher chemistry course or take any other chemistry course.Every semester, students will have to complete a long list of projects that range from simple chemistry homework to lengthy and detailed projects. Some students may think that they will just copy some of their teacher's assignments, but I would advise that you take every assignment that comes your way with an open mind. Don't be afraid to take on a lot of projects or find the one project that is specific to your area of study.Although my chemistry teacher didn't mention it, the teacher chemistry course will come up again in my next year of college. I haven't decided yet if I will continue on with a two-year degree program or go into business. My plan is to have a comfortable career as a math or science teacher.My chemistry teacher has taught me about chemistry in high school and now I am ready to teach a science class. What will I learn next?

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